Semantic Feature Analysis
This prereading strategy teaches vocabulary by activating prior knowledge, making predictions, and by classifying the new words by their features using a matrix.
- The teacher selects a list of words that have similarities and places them on the matrix in the left-hand column.
- The teacher then writes features associated with these words across the top of the matrix, or asks the students to supply the features associated with these words.
- The students complete the matrix by placing a check in the column if the word has that feature. Accept all predictions.
- Once the matrix is complete and the students have discussed the reasons for their answers, the students should then read the assigned passage.
- Students review the matrix for any necessary changes.
Anders, P., & Bos, C. "Semantic feature analysis: An interactive strategy for vocabulary development and text comprehension." Journal of Reading, 1986: 29(7), pp.610-616.