Pre-test Learning Assessment Items

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  1. Scientists typically do research on:
    1. solving an entire big problem
    2. answering a small part of a big problem
    3. looking for new problems
    4. none of these
  2. Bioremediation of contaminants can be accomplished using:
    1. bacteria
    2. other microorganisms
    3. plants
    4. all of these
  3. Pollution is the result of:
    1. human activities and natural events
    2. human activities only
    3. natural events only
    4. none of these
  4. The United States Congress created ____________ to provide funds for cleanup of contaminated sites when no responsible party could be identified.
    1. Remediation Fund
    2. Superfund
    3. Contamination and Pollution Abatement (CAPA) Fund
    4. Waste Site Restoration Fund
  5. Manufactured gas plant sites operated from the early 1800s to the mid 1900s to produce fuel for:
    1. cooking, heating, and lighting homes and businesses
    2. automobiles
    3. steamships and trains
    4. all of these
  6. The waste products from the manufactured gas process are toxic. One of the components of this waste, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, can cause:
    1. cancer
    2. fire
    3. drought
    4. asthma
  7. Bioremediation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soil can be accomplished using:
    1. evergreen trees
    2. algae
    3. bacteria
    4. amoebas
  8. Bioremediation done with plants to extract and concentrate certain elements from their environment is called:
    1. vegeremediation
    2. herbiremediation
    3. phytoremediation
    4. chlororemediation
  9. Human activities that can contaminate soils and aqueous streams with large quantities of toxic metals are
    1. release of metal-rich mine tailings and sludge dumping
    2. metal smelting and electroplating
    3. energy and fuel production
    4. all of these
  10. Complete this sentence correctly: Bioremediation [is/is not] always a rapid, complete site cleanup process.

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