4. Selecting Pre and Post Assessment Strategies:

Thanks and a disclaimer: Several teachers completed a version of the CTC in the spring of 2000. Their work has provided the core of the samples below. We have, however, modified some of the selections to maintain confidentiality and to ensure that the samples reflect the revisions we have made in the instructions. Thanks to all the teachers who helped us with the original samples. Your input helped us make this a better process for all.

(7th grade math, percents)
A pre-assessment containing five problems with percents was given to students prior to the lesson, The problems include several different cases of percent problems. When assessing students' prior knowledge, I concentrated on the process students used to solve thee problems and recorded the total correct on each pre-assessment. I chose to keep the pre-assessment scores until after the students completed the post assessment. I noticed that number of common scores would make it difficult to separate students into low, average and high groups so I made some judgement calls dependent on any work shown to attempt a problem and previous experience with students and their performance.

The post assessment will contain five test items similar to the items on the pre assessment. Students will be asked to solve these problems using the methods learned in the lessons. The total correct will be recorded in two ways: using an appropriate method and calculating the correct answer. I will record these scores next to the pre-assessment scores and compare the difference. OR

(2nd grade writing sentence ending punctuation)
Pre-assessment: Writing Situation: Everybody has a favorite food they enjoy eating. Think about your favorite food and tell why it is your favorite.

Using the FCAT Writes Rubric I pre-assessed where the students were functioning, calculating the percentage of time they used correct ending punctuation.

Post Assessment: Writing Situation: Everybody has a favorite animal. This about your favorite animal and tell why it is your favorite.

Using the Florida Writes rubric I did a post assessment to see how ell the students used ending punctuation after instruction. Both the pre- and post assessment were kept in the students' writing portfolios.

Dribbling a basketball
Give each student a basketball and have them go across the floor dribbling with one hand then the other and record if each one is able to do so, easily (E) or with some difficulty.(SD) or a great deal of difficulty (D) As a post assessment, have students in do a relay race dribbling along the course and record each student's performance.

Using a microscope
Distribute a diagram of a microscope and have students label the parts and tell how they are used. For a post assessment have each student work at a microscope. Give them a slide to view and draw what they see. Circulate to check off those who know how to do this and those who do not

Using prediction strategies while reading (K-2 reading)
For a pre assessment: In a group, have students look at the book or story they will be reading. Have them tell their predictions about the story and why they made that prediction. Keep a record of their responses. Make this a running activity for each reading and keep a running record. For a post assessment, repeat this one on one with a different story.