- Introduction
- Applications in K-12 Education
- Instruction for Homebound Students
- Virtual High Schools
- Instruction for Distributed Classes
- Interactions with Outside Experts
- Mentoring and Tutoring of Distant Students
- Collaborative Projects
- Access to Remote Resources
- Staff Development Program
- Benefits of Distance Learning
- Connectivity Issues and Alternatives
- Overview of Distance Learning Technologies
- Print Technologies
- Advantages of Print Materials
- Disadvantages of Print Materials
- Guidelines for Incorporating Print Materials
- Audio/Voice Technologies
- Voicemail
- Audio Files/CDs
- Audioconferences
- Podcasts
- Advantages of Audio Technologies
- Disadvantages of Audio Technologies
- Guidelines for Incorporating Audio Technologies
- Computer (Data) Technologies
- Online Collaboration: Internet Chat and Conferencing
- WebQuests
- Web-based Resources
- Creating Web Resources for the Classroom
- Advantages of Computer Technologies
- Disadvantages of Computer Technologies
- Guidelines for Incorporating Computer Technologies
- Video Technologies
- Videotape and DVD
- Satellite Videoconferencing
- Microwave Television Conferencing
- Cable and Broadcast Television
- Digital (Desktop) Videoconferencing
- Internet Videoconferencing
- Advantages of Video Technologies
- Disadvantages of Video Technologies
- Guidelines for Incorporating Video Technologies
- Summary of Distance Learning Technologies
- Implementing Distance Learning
- Conduct Needs Assessment
- Outline Instructional Goals and Objectives; Produce Instructional Materials
- Provide Training and Practice for Instructors and Facilitators
- Implement the Program
- References
- Glossary
Original - 1999; Updated - 2009
Written by Dr. Ann Barron
Edited by Cathy Cavanaugh and Lynne Wyly
Publication design by Dr. Roy Winkelman
Graphics by Jill Pable
Florida Center for Instructional Technology
College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
This publication was originally produced under a grant
from the Florida Department of Education,
Office of Educational Technology,
and the Florida Information Resource Network,
The Honorable Tom Gallagher,
Commissioner of Education.
The information contained in this document is based on information available at the time of publication and is subject to change. Although every reasonable effort has been made to include accurate information, the Florida Center for Instructional Technology makes no warranty of claims as to the accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the information provided herein. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product or service in violation of existing patents or rights of third parties.
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida ©1999, 2009.