Pre-test Learning Assessment Items

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  1. Chemical reactions proceed at what rate(s) of speed:
    1. Fast
    2. Medium
    3. Slow
    4. All of these
  2. Which of these words describes a type of matter that is uniform in its composition?
    1. Heterogenous
    2. Homogenous
    3. Compound
    4. Suspension
  3. Which of these terms describes a substance that can NOT be decomposed into two or more simpler substances by ordinary chemical or physical means?
    1. Solid
    2. Solution
    3. Compound
    4. Element
  4. What is the name of the following principle: “In every chemical operation an equal quantity of matter exists before and after the operation.”?
    1. The law of conservation of elements
    2. The law of conservation of mass
    3. The law of definite proportions
    4. The atomic theory of matter
  5. 6.02 x 1023 is known as Avogadro’s number. What is this number?
    1. The number of electrons in an atom
    2. The number of atoms in a unit reaction
    3. The number of atoms in a mole of an element
    4. The number of atoms in the universe
  6. What is the name of a negatively charged particle in an atom?
    1. Proton
    2. Electron
    3. Neutron
    4. Element
  7. Which of these correctly describes isotopes?
    1. The same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons
    2. The same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
    3. The same numbers of protons and neutrons
    4. Different numbers of protons and neutrons
  8. Which is NOT true about the periodic table?
    1. Horizontal rows are called periods
    2. Vertical columns are called groups
    3. Metals become more metallic the more to the left and the lower they are
    4. The elements along the top row are gases
  9. When a concentrated solution is converted to a more dilute solution, which of the following does NOT happen?
    1. More solute is added to a fixed volume of the original solution
    2. More solvent is added to a fixed volume of the original solution
    3. The volume of the solution increases
    4. The number of particles of solute stays the same
  10. Which of the following scientists is considered to be the "Father of the Periodic Table?"
    1. Isaac Newton
    2. Albert Einstein
    3. John Dalton
    4. Dmitri Mendeleev

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