Under Secretary Stuart Eizenstat
Presentation at the Washington Conference
On Holocaust-Era Assets,
Washington, DC, December 2, 1998
U.S. Support for the International Commission
On Holocaust Era Insurance ClaimsThe International Commission (or the IC) has the strong support of the U.S. Government because the IC:
- Brings together many of the interested parties in a cooperative, non-confrontational process;
- Includes the important survivor organizations;
- Will foster a fact-based effort to resolve Holocaust insurance claims promptly and fairly, and without resorting to lengthy litigation; and
- Seeks practical solutions to resolve the issue of heirless insurance assets.
The IC is already functioning. It has had two meetings during which much has been accomplished. The IC selected former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger as its chairman. At the November 11 meeting chaired by Mr. Eagleburger, the IC established five Working Groups to resolve specific issues.
The insurance companies on the IC pledged $90 million as an act of good faith. Disbursement of the $90 million will be decided either on the basis of the claims adjudication procedures or for humanitarian relief projects approved by the Commission.
The IC is committed to resolving all claims on the basis of expedited claims requirements over the next 2 years or less. This timetable is far superior to lengthy litigation. The IC also has the support of the major companies and key governments. I believe we can achieve far more through cooperation rather than confrontation.
The International Commission has the strong support of the U.S. Government. I hope other companies and other insurance regulators will also join this effort. I hope this Conference can agree to express strong support for the International Commission and urge other companies and governments to join this process.
[End of Document]
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2005.