Each panorama movie is available in two file sizes. The small movies display at the same size on your computer screen as the large movies, but the small movies do not allow you to zoom in on as much detail as the large movies do. All movies are a full circle (360 degrees) unless noted otherwise.
Bergen-Belsen Memorial Wall

230 K
1.6 MB
The memorial wall at Bergen-Belsen carries messages in many languages. The English inscription reads, "To the memory of all those who died in this place."
Buchenwald Center of Camp

976 K
2.5 MB
This VR opens with a view of the camp gate from the center of the camp barracks area. (The foundations of the former barracks are indicated by the rectangles of dark stone.) Moving to the right, the prisoner's canteen with the red roof comes into view. Rotating approximately 180 degrees from the canteen, the large storehouse may be seen. Continuing to the right is the crematorium with its single chimney.
Ebensee Camp

200 K
700 K
Inside the tunnel complex at Ebensee Concentration Camp.
Neuengamme Brick Factory Interior

604 K
2.8 MB
View the inside of one wing of the Neuengamme brickworks.
Neuengamme Brick Yard

528 K
1.5 MB
This 180 degree VR shows two of the three wings of the Neuengamme Brickworks.
Plaszow (1)

852 K
3.2 MB
This 180 degree VR shows the location of the former Plaszow camp.
Plaszow (2)

772 K
3.3 MB
This 180 degree VR shows the location of the former quarry at the Plaszow camp.

1 MB
2 MB
This VR opens to a memorial sculpture by Bernd Göbel. Moving to the right, the gray building was the kapo barrack. A watchtower is barely visible against the dark trees. Stones in the grass indicate the foundations of the camp kitchen. The remaining low, gray buildings were also barracks, but now hold educational displays.
Ninth Fort

352 K
944 K
The memorial to the victims of fascism at the Ninth Fort in Kaunas, Lithuania, was designed by sculptor A. Ambraziunas. Erected in 1984, the monument is 32 meters (105 feet) high. A brochure issued by the Ninth Fort Museum states that the monument "symbolizes pain, sorrow, tortures, and eternal remembrance." |