Each panorama movie is available in two file sizes. The small movies display at the same size on your computer screen as the large movies, but the small movies do not allow you to zoom in on as much detail as the large movies do. All movies are a full circle (360 degrees) unless noted otherwise.
Treblinka View from Southern Edge

584 K
1.5 MB
Treblinka was the extermination camp to which the Warsaw Ghetto residents were sent. The camp was completely destroyed by the Nazis before the end of the War. A large memorial has been built on the site. It consists of 17,000 rocks representing lost Jewish communities.
Treblinka View from Center of Memorial

584 K
1.5 MB
Another view of the memorial.
Treblinka Stone Dedicated to Janusz Korczak

604 K
2.3 MB
The names on the stones are the towns and cities from which Treblinka's victims were deported. Only one stone carries the name of an individual: Janusz Korczak, the teacher who chose to accompany his students to the gas chambers of Treblinka.