Purpose: to provide students periodic opportunities to maintain mastery of a skill previously learned and mastered.
Problem of the Day
Teacher –
Visual platform to display drawings depicting addition of fractions with mixed numbers (e.g. chalkboard/dry-erase board, overhead projector).
One or more drawings of addition of fractions with mixed numbers.
Students -
Pencil and paper for writing
Students respond to the “Problem of the Day” when they first arrive or at the beginning of math time.
Display drawings that represent addition of fractions with mixed numbers. A variety of prompts or questions could be written that students respond to:
What equation is drawn?
What is the solution?
Students can respond in writing or they can respond orally to the teacher on an individual basis (if writing is a difficult process for them). The teacher can take a minute or two after students have had the opportunity to respond to discuss the “Problem” and elicit student ideas and provide corrective feedback and modeling.