Jefferson Hoss: Most intersting thing
Clip 5

Student: What was the most interesting thing you saw at sea, not necessarily on the ship, but maybe something in the water?
Mr. Hoss: The most interesting thing I saw while at sea, other than naval engagements, was a shark being killed by porpoises. The porpoises surrounded the shark and killed it by ramming it in the side. That was an extremely interesting and unusual thing to see.

Student: Did you see whales?
Mr. Hoss: Oh heavens yes. I was fortunate. Because the ship was so large, we sailed around South America and I've been to the North Pole and the South Pole, as well as Asia. I never did get to Europe or the Mediterranean. Travel is a great benefit of being in the service. I've seen a good deal of the world.
Student: That's the one thing we hear from most veterans.