College of Education
The name of this organization shall be the College of Education of the
University of South Florida, hereafter referred to as the College.
Goals and Missions
The goals and mission of the College involve an interaction among teaching,
research, other creative activities and service.
They are:
- 2.1
- To provide opportunities for the pre-service education of school
- 2.2
- To improve the quality of education in our designated region
through the continuing education of school personnel.
- 2.3
- To prepare educational personnel for non school settings;, including
libraries, hospitals, recreational agencies and others.
- 2.4
- To develop knowledge fundamental to professional theory and practice
in education.
- 2.5
- To provide professional service and leadership to local, state,
national- and international educational agencies and institutions.
Membership Composition of the College
- 3.1
- Faculty
The faculty of the College are academic personnel whose primary
responsibilities to the Colleges are in the areas of teaching, research,
other creative activity, and service. The faculty of the College shall
consist of all personnel of the ranks of instructor, assistant professor
associate professor, and professor. Persons holding courtesy appointments
to the faculty shall not be voting members. Joint appointments
may be made with another unit of the University. Such appointments
shall specify the status of the appointee in respect to voting, tenure,
and promotion.
- 3.2
- Non-Academic Staff
Hon-academic staff includes all staff members of the College who
are classified as career service or administrative and professional
- 3.3
- Student Body
The student body is composed of all students admitted to the College
whose admission has been validated by actual enrollment In a course.
- 4.1
- Dean
The chief executive and administrative officer of the College shall
be the Deans who may at the same time hold academic rank in one of 'the 31
departments of the College. The Dean shall be appointed by the President
of the University with the approval of the Board of Regents. In
making this appointment, the president will be requested to give consideration
to the recommendations of the faculty of the College and to consult
with a special committee of at least five faculty members elected
by the faculty. The Dean shall be responsible to the President for the
administration of the College and shall be the agent of the faculty for
the execution of educational policy. The Dean is responsible for providing
leadership for the development of the faculty, the policies and
the programs of the College which are essential to the achievement of
the College goals and missions, and for organizing the supporting resources
of the College.
The Dean is responsible for establishing relationships with other
colleges, schools, state and federal agencies and professional associations
that will support and promote College goals and mission
- 4.2
- Administrative Council
An Administrative Council shall be composed of the Dean, departmental
chairpersons, and other individuals designated by the Dean. This
council shall coordinate administrative matters of the College and advise
the Dean. Meetings of the Administrative Council shall be called
and chaired by the Dean or a person designated by the Dean. The President
of the Council shall serve as ex officio member of the Administrative
College Faculty
- 5.1
- Responsibilities
The faculty shall develop the internal policies of the College of
Education (COE) consistent with policies of the State University System
(SUS) and provisions specified in Article 8.2.1. The faculty is responsible
for the development, conduct and quality of the academic programs
of the COE. Individually and collectively the faculty provides professional
competence knowledge, and experience in an effort to
- 5.1.1
- Develop personnel qualified to occupy a variety of positions
in education agencies and allied agencies.
- 5.1.2
- Create and organize knowledge related to problems associated
with education.
- 5.1.3
- Provide services consistent with the competencies of the faculty.
In the performance of these responsibilities, the faculty shall be
committed to the high standards, practices, and ethics of the profession.
- 5.2
- Voting Eligibility
For purposes of policy adoption and general College elections faculty
members eligible to vote are defined as those fulltime faculty who
are tenure earning or tenured and who are budgeted half-time or more in
the College.
- 5.3
- Meetings
- 5.3.1
- Methods of Calling Meet
The College faculty shall meet upon call to discuss issues
of concern or to vote on recommendations submitted to it by the
Dean, the Council, or other appropriate group. Meetings may be
called by the Council President when authorized by the Faculty
At any meeting of the faculty, a simple majority of the
eligible voting faculty shall constitute a quorum. Approval of
all matters except revision of the Constitution shall require a
simple majority of the quorum of eligible faculty members.
- 5.3.2
- Agenda
The persons or body calling a meeting shall be responsible
for preparing and publishing an agenda for that meeting.
- 6.1
- The department shall be the basic organizational unit of the College.
Departments are responsible for initiation and development of instructional
- 6.2
- Departmental Faculty
- 6.2.1
- Composition
The voting faculty of a department shall consist of the professors$
associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors
who hold their primary appointment in that department, together
with other persons designated by action of the department.
In instances where faculty members are assigned part time in two
or more departments, the faculty member shall designate one mutually
acceptable department for primary affiliation.
- 6.2.2
- Responsibilities of Departmental Faculty
The departmental faculty shall be responsible for formulating
and implementing, within the constraints of existing university
and college policies, those specific policies and programs which
are necessary for the operation of that department.
- 6.3
- Chairpersons
- 6.3.1
- Appointment
Each department shall have a chairperson. The process of
selecting a chairperson shall begin within the College according
to the procedures approved by the College faculty. Final approval
of a chairperson shall be in accordance with SUS policy.
- 6.3.2
- Responsibility
- The responsibilities of chairpersons shall be identified
by the Dean and the departmental faculty.
- The Chairperson shall make recommendations to the Dean
on matters of concern to departments after consultation
with members of the department.
Programs, Centers, and Offices
- 7.1
- Programs
A program shall be defined as an area of study leading to professional
competence. Programs may be created both in response to client
demand and in anticipation of educational needs. Proposed by the Dean,
the Faculty Council, departments or faculty; programs shall not be considered
legally constituted until they have passed through specified
procedures (such as approval by a department, the Program Policies
Committees the University Graduate Council or Academic Program Council,
the Board of Regents—if necessary).
Programs may be terminated, when the need for which the program
was created no longer exists, or college goals of higher priority mandate
a reallocation of resources. Responsibility for recommending termination
of a program rests with the Dean (the Program Policy Committee
and/or the Faculty Council may advise the Dean in such matters).
Faculty Council
- 8.1
- Membership
- 8.1.1
- Composition
- The Faculty Council shall be composed of no fewer than
fifteen members from the faculty. The Dean, associate,
and assistant deans, and standing committee chairpersons
shall serve as ex officio members without voting privileges
Ex officio members shall not be counted in quorum
determination. All members except ex officio members
shall have voting privileges.
- Any full-time tenured or tenure earning faculty member
shall be eligible for membership on the Council. Each
department shall be allocated one representative for
the first 15 members of the department and one member
for each additional 15 department members. One faculty
member will be elected to represent the faculty
at large. This person will serve as the Council
- 8.1.2
- Elections
- Annual elections shall be held each year in May.
- The term of office of each Council member shall be two
years beginning with the first day of the fall term
following the annual election. Approximately one-half
of the membership shall be elected annually so that the
Council is composed of about one half first-year members
and one half second-year members.
- Each voting faculty member of a department shall be
eligible to vote for the representatives of the department.
- Each voting faculty member shall be eligible to vote
for the at-large member.
- Nomination for vacancies on the Faculty Council shall
be made by the department or constituency whose representative
has vacated a position.
- 8.1.3
- Officers
The Faculty Council shall have a President, a Vice President,
and a Secretary. The Vice President and Secretary shall
be elected from and by the members of the Council. The President
shall be elected by the faculty.
- 8.2
- Responsibilities
- 8.2.1
- Policy Formulation and Related Responsibilities
The Faculty Council shall study, review,and formulate policies
affecting the College as a whole, acting upon requests or recommendations
from general faculty meetings, individual faculty
members, departments, the Dean, College committees, or upon
its own initiative. The Faculty Council shall have access to
all information pertinent to its function.
- 8.2.2
- Policy Ratification
- All policies that have been studied and approved by the
Faculty Council and the Dean shall be submitted to the
full-time faculty for ratification. Policies submitted
to the Dean but not approved may be submitted to the
faculty for vote. Ratification shall require a majority
of the faculty voting. No policy shall be considered
valid when fewer than 50% of the faculty cast a
- In circumstances which require expeditious action, the
faculty may empower the Council to make a specific decision on
its behalf without undergoing the usual
ratification process. The faculty may so empower the
Council by a majority vote of the members present at
a called faculty meeting. Any such actions taken by
the Council are subject to approval by the faculty.
- If the number of full-time faculty members employed
during the summer quarter is less than 2/3 of the
number employed during the preceding academic year,
all policies approved during that summer quarter shall
be considered temporary and shall be resubmitted for
faculty consideration during the following fall quarter.
- 8.3
- Meetings
- 8.3.1
- The Faculty Council shall hold regularly scheduled meetings
a t least once per quarter.
- 3.3.2
- The Council President may call a special meeting whenever necessary.
The President must call a meetings upon the petition
of five voting members of the Council.
- 8.3.3
- All meetings shall be announced i n advance to the College faculty.
- 8.3.4
- Meetings shall be open. and any voting faculty member shall have
the privilege of the floor, upon recognition of the Chair.
- 8.3.5
- Minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to the total College
- 8.3.6
- In the event that through resignation, promotion. illness, or any
other unforeseen circumstances, the President is unable to call
meetings, the succession of responsibility shall be from President
to Vice President to Secretary. Should none of these officers
be able to call the first meeting of any academic year,
the Dean shall call a meeting before October 15 and serve as
Chairperson pro tern- the purpose of this meeting is to facilitate 197
the organization of the Council.
- 8.4
- By-Laws
The Faculty Council shall adopt by-laws to govern its operating 199
procedure so Adoption of any amendments to such by-laws shall require 230
a two-thirds majority of the Council membership.
The Council will have three standing committees.
Program Policy Committee
Personnel Policy Committee
Finance and Budget Committee
Each standing committee will serve as a study, review and recommendation
development resource for the Dean and/or the Council. The chairperson of
each standing committee shall be elected by members of that committee at the
first meeting of each academic year. Chairpersons of each standing committee
will serve as ex officio members of the Council. In addition to the above
named committees, the Council may establish such standing and ad hoc committees
as it deems necessary for the conduct of affairs relating to general
College and Faculty Council functions* These committees shall consider requests
arising from faculty, other college committees, the Dean, or from
their own membership on matters appropriate to the purposes of each committee.
The Council will select members of committees established by the Council
by procedures as specified in the Council By-Laws.
Changes in Organization
- 10.1
- Proposals for changes
- 10.1.1
- Proposals for substantive changes in organization of the College
shall be submitted to the College Council for study and approval.
- 10.1.2
- Such proposals may be submitted to the Council by the Dean, or 22-1
any group of five or more faculty members.
- 10.2
- Procedures for Adopting Changes
- 10.2.1
- A recommendation for a change in either College or departmental
organization shall be made in accordance with procedures for
adopting a College policy as outlined in Article 3.0 of this
constitution. Non-substantive changes, such as renaming a department,
nay be handled administratively by joint action of
the concerned department and the Dean's office.
- 10.2.2
- Recommendations for change in organization shall be submitted
to the faculty for ratification.
- 10.2.3
- Upon faculty ratification, recommendations for change shall be
forwarded to the Dean.
- 10.2.4
- The Dean shall forward these recommendations and his own to the
Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- 11.1
- Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Faculty Council
or by petition of at least twenty-five full-time faculty members. Notice
of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all members of the
College faculty at least one month prior to the voting date.
- 11.2
- Amendments shall be adopted when approved by a majority of faculty
members eligible to vote. Voting shall be by mail ballot.
- 11.3
- Amendments shall become effective immediately upon approval.
- 12.1
- This constitution shall be considered ratified upon approved by a majority of
the full-time faculty on a mail ballot.
- 12.2
- This constitution shall become effective immediately upon approval of
the faculty.
- 12.3
- Nothing in this constitution shall be construed as violating any of the established policies of
the administration of the University of South Florida, or the SUS or the BOR/UFF agreement.
Parliamentary Authority
In the procedural conduct of all College affairs hear-in mentioned the most recent edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures shall be considered the final authority.