| "The Internet already hosts a large number of quality sites dealing with the Holocaust and other genocides, but this site, created by a group of graduate students in a Development of Technology-Based Instruction course at the University of South Florida, deserves special attention. The site features an annotated Timeline that traces anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and their repercussions from 1918 to present with a large number of links to documents, photos, glossary definitions, and other sites with more details on specific topics. The People section discusses the experiences and roles of the victims, perpetrators, bystanders, resistors, liberators, and others. Educators will perhaps make the most use of the Student Activities and Teacher Resources sections, which currently contain sixteen lesson plans and an excellent comprehensive collection of annotated teaching resources." —The Scout Report for Social Sciences, Volume 1, Number 9, January 27, 1998 |
| "This site is excellent in every way. Aside from outstanding design and navigational elements, with hundreds of pages of original content and links to the best Holocaust resources on the Web, it's simply the best educational Web site on this topic. The sections are: a Timeline that chronicles the years from 1918 to the present; a People section that covers the roles of the participants - victims, perpetuators, bystanders, resistors, rescuers, liberators, and survivors; and an Arts area covering the music, art and literature of the Holocaust. Of particular interest to teachers are the Student Activities and Teacher Resources section." —Carole Leita, Librarians' Index to the Internet |
| "The Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust is a 'must see' web site. With the powerful combination of words, music, photographs and art, the site provides a factual but chilling account of the Holocaust, its victims and perpetrators. Teacher resources, classroom activities, Web links, a Holocaust glossary and timeline are also features of this impressive site. Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT), located in the University of South Florida College of Education." —Site of the Week Blue Web'n at Knowledge Network Explorer, January 9, 1998 |
| "I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the site and have to congratulate you on an outstanding achievement in web site design, both in appearance and content. Your site is truly an exceptional presence on the web, reflecting the highest standards of creativity and professionalism." —Ben Ciolczynski, Award of Excellence |
| "Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que votre site a été retenu par notre jury et sommes fiers de vous décerner notre Award en ARGENT. Du fait de la grande difficulté d'obtention d'un tel award, votre site peut être considéré comme étant une excellente référence du Net. Cet award symbolise avant tout un standard très élevé dans le design et le contenu et nous serons honorés de voir sa présence sur des pages comme les vôtres."
[We are pleased to announce you that your Web site has been approved by our jury and we are proud to reward you with our SILVER Award. Because this award is really hard to win, your site is considered as an excellent reference of the Net. This award symbolizes overall a very high standard in design and content and we will be honored to see it on such pages as yours.]
Sincères salutations de PARIS.
—Dr. Bernard BÉNICHOU, Directeur de l'Édition, VISULOGIC |
| "Rating: Comprehensive overview of the Holocaust, designed for use in the classroom. Features a detailed timeline with photographs, documents, and related links; descriptions of the people involved, including victims, perpetrators, bystanders, resisters, rescuers, liberators, and survivors; a discussion of the literature, music, and visual arts produced during and about the Holocaust; a large collection of lesson plans; and an annotated list of further resources. Carefully designed with an extensive collection of materials, this guide provides an excellent resource not only for teachers and students but for anyone who wants to learn about the Holocaust. " —Encyclopedia Britannica, The Web's Best Sites |
| "A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. The title is self explanatory. What it doesn't reveal is the quality of the construction and presentation of the site, and the depth of the information available on it or from it. Highly recommended as an excellent way into any aspect of the Holocaust." —The Médaille d'Or for Web Site Excellence |
| "This site is an extensive well-designed, sensitively developed resource containing sections devoted to Timeline, People, and the Arts. Links are provided to indepth information, photographs, definitions of unfamiliar terms, and art work images, manuscripts, and Midi files....This site is interesting, engaging, easy to use, and thorough." —Ed's Oasis, Treasure Zone |
| "A thorough breakdown of the Holocaust is presented in three major categories: Timeline, People and The Arts. Start with the site map for an outline of the 35 topics, which cover everything from the Nazi perpetrators to Jewish resistance to Holocaust museums. Links to photographs and additional information are scattered throughout the sections. The Activities section offers lesson plans for teachers, but the site's content is useful for anyone." —Access Internet Magazine, October 24, 1999 |
| "Your site is, quite simply, outstanding in every way. The design and layout are truly excellent. In particular, the content is highly compelling, informative, and comprehensive...and certainly furthers our understanding of such a tragic and senseless period of history. I regret not having an award higher than Gold to offer you, sir, as your site would certainly deserve it. It would honor me if you would accept this award, and my thanks, for creating such a vital and important web resource. My congratulations go out to everyone who participated in the creation of this site." —Glen Akiyama, Gold Award |
| "Your site is a true example of how the Web can be used to promote awareness and historical education in new and visually exciting ways. The ease of navigation was also impeccable. Therefore, it would do me a great honor if you would accept this award, becoming only the second recipient and the first of 1999. Thanks for such a great addition to the Internet." —Anthony Boyer, May 4, 1970: Inquire, Learn Reflect |
| "I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the exceptional job you've done with your Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust web site. During my review, I found the site navigation to be clearly organized and very easy to understand. The overall design and layout was not only attractive, but professional in appearance. You have managed to present a very complex subject in a concise and understandable format. I am certain your site will be an invaluable asset to the educational community as well as the casual visitor. As a result, I would like to present you with the Key Site Award for excellence in web design." —Tom Speer, Fortress Web Design |
| "It's still high summer but for those educators out there and parents, there is an educational site that is a must see. The University of South Florida has produced an excellent Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. The time line and links are phenomenal, but for me the art and music section (which included midi files) was unique and a new and important contribution to Holocaust education.
"While it is rare that we give the same institution two awards, yours was an exception due to the vast amount of work you have already done, the depth of your site, and the importance of the subject to our readers"
—Jewish Agency for Israel, Top Site Award: May 2000, September 2000 |
| "Its review score of 99 has earned it our Golden Hive Award (top 1%), one of the world's most prestigious Web awards. Congratulations! We found your reader-friendly site very easy to navigate, attractive, full of great content, and a great service to the Internet community. Thank you for your commitment to supreme Web excellence! " —Mic Miller, Beeline Publications |
 | "It is my pleasure to announce the selection of A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust as an Internet Brothers Elite Site. This is our highest recognition and it is richly deserved for the work of you and your team. The project not only portrays the history, but also includes incredible access to other resources that encourage teachers to be thorough in their research.
"The Holocaust is indeed a sensitive subject, yet you've managed to present lesson plans that enable teachers who may avail themselves of your resources to be independent thinking. The references, photographs, recollections, and documentation all combine to produce an environment that would allow presentation of this topic for an entire school year if desired or required." —Jeff Clark, on behalf of the Internet Brothers Presents Review Panel |
 | "We all agree that it is one of the best we have ever seen. The information that your site provides is vital to history and very valuable to all generations. This is definitely one of the finest causes on the net today. The hours that you have put into it can only be guessed at by us. Your photos are incredible! We are very pleased to present you with our Advocacy Gold Award.
"You are only the third one to be presented with our gold award."
—Sandra Hendricks, Advocacy Awards Director |
| "This is such a difficult topic, however, we believe the Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust does a superb job of getting out information. We thought the design was clean and crisp and the site was easy to navigate. Navigation can be difficult with that much content, but you have pulled it off with ease. The content is easy to understand and creates a clear picture of the era. Furthermore, the minimalist approach to graphics works very well. Where there are graphics, they download quickly and only add to the content.
"Overall, this is an excellent site!!"
—Rachelle Long, J.D., Canonical Award for Excellence |
"A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust offers an overview of the people and events of the Holocaust. Extensive teacher resources are included. This site offers over hundreds of photographs, virtual reality movies, and movie clips of survivor testimony, and much, much more! This site also offers an extensive Teachers Resource section that is a real time saver! Very useful for Students, Teachers and History Buffs Everywhere!"
—Anthony Baker, i-probe's Most Useful Sites on the Web |
"Your site has been evaluated by the PeaceWork Certified Sites Judges' Panel and has been designated a Diamond Certified Site! This
Certification assures your visitors that your site is attractive, has interesting content, no dead links or broken images and navigates easily.
"Our panel was highly impressed with the content of your site. This website is considered by our staff to be a key resource for the Internet Community. We were moved by the dedication and incredible effort required to research and present the amount and quality of content on your site. It is therefore, with great joy that we award your site with our Exceptional Public Service Award."
—The PeaceWork Certified Site Judges' Panel |
"An extensive resource for the topic of the Holocaust. Contains a timeline, a section of the people of the Holocaust with photographs and information on prison badges, concentration camps, the music of the ghetto,Art and Literature of the time. The Teacher Resource section contains movie clips, museum links,maps,primary source material and more. This is an excellent resource for the study of the Holocaust...."
—Schoolzone Webguide |
"Amazing...simply amazing. Student activities, timeline, links, and much more. 'A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust' offers an overview of the people and events of the Holocaust. Extensive teacher resources are included."
—Cybrary of the Holocaust
"A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust is an extensive and excellent Holocaust education resource suitable for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas. The topic is approached through three lenses: a timeline, people, and the arts. A fourth section provides dozens of lesson plans, while the resource section offers hundreds of photographs, documents, reproducible maps, music files, complete plays, Quicktime film clips, a videography, and links to the best Holocaust sites on the Web. Teachers should bear in mind the sensitive nature of the topic."
—BBC WebGuide, Best of the Web
| The Argus Clearinghouse requests that the following information be posted on every guide meeting their Seal of Approval. Compiler: Dr. Roy Jay Winkelman Compiler's Title: Director of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida. E-Mail Address: winkelma@coedu.usf.edu Last Update of Guide: 01/29/09 |