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Comparing More Than, Less than, Same: Concrete Level

More Teaching Plans on this topic: Representational, Abstract

Phase 1

Initial Acquisition of Skill

Phase 2

Practice Strategies

Phase 3


Phase 4


Download printable version of this teaching plan, with additional detailed descriptions


PHASE 4: Maintenance

Purpose: to provide periodic student practice activities & teacher directed review of this skill after students have mastered it.

1. Balance Scale:


  • Balance Scale- One side will have a cup velcroed on it. This cup will contain a group of concrete objects.
  • Three cups to measure out objects for other side of the scale
  • Container of objects

Description: Students will fill one of the empty cups in order to make a group that has more than, less than, or the same number of objects as in the cup that is velcroed to the other side of the scale

2. Problem of the Day:


  • Tag board with groups of concrete items of varying sizes.

Description: As children line up on given days, touch a group of items and ask a student to touch another group with more, less or the same number of items.

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