USF St. Petersburg > College of Education > ESOL Infusion Program > ESOL TAPESTRY > Resources
TAPESTRY Module 6: ESOL Strategy Workshops
Additional Resources and References
Lesson Plan Modification for ESOL | Language Teaching Methods | Gouin Series | The Natural Approach | Reading
Lesson Plan Modification for ESOL
- Language Arts Sample Lesson Plan
- Science Sample Lesson Plan
Language Teaching Methods
- Cohen, A. D., Weaver, S. J., & and Li, T.-Y. (1999). Strategies-based instruction. University of Minnesota. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Crandall, J. (1994). Content-centered language learning. ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- Leonard II Project. (2004). Best practice Ð Best language teaching methods. Methods. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- Morrison, S. (n.d.). CAL resource guides online: Second language teaching methodologies. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- New Jersey Department of Education. (1999, Winter). Appendix C: Methodology for innovative instruction in K-12 world language programs. In New Jersey world languages curriculum framework: A document in support of the core curriculum content standards for world languages (pp. 261-273). Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Orwig, C. J. (1999). Ways to approach language learning. (1999). Dallas, TX: SIL International. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from WaysToApproachLanguageLearning/ WaysToApproachLanguageLearning.htm
- Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Language Teaching Methodology (ERIC Issue Paper). Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- Teaching indigenous languages: Teaching methods for second languages. (2003). Flagstaff: Northern Arizona University. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
Gouin Series
- Bell, H. W. (1893/1894). How to learn a language. Parents Review, 4, 122-126. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Bosshart, A., Hagen, S., & Darnell, K. (2000). The Gouin Series. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Mason, T. (n.d.). Dossier CAPES. Lesson 1. B. Towards a history of foreign language teaching. Gouin. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Pocono Mountain School District. (n.d.). Gouin Series. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
The Natural Approach
- Cook, V. (n.d.). Krashen's Input Hypothesis Model of L2 learning. Retrieved February 24, 2004, from
- Kiymazarslan, V. (1995). The Natural Approach: What is it? Retrieved February 24, 2004, from
- Schütz, R. (2002). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition. English made in Brazil. Retrieved February 24, 2004, from
- Natural Approach video link: McGraw-Hill. (1997). The Natural Approach, from theory to practice: The 1994 McGraw-Hill Teleconference. New York: Author. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- Asher, J. J. (1984, Summer). Language by command: The Total Physical Response approach to language learning. In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture, No. 6, 35. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Krashen, S. (1998). TPR: Still a very good idea. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Sky Oaks Productions. (n.d.). Total Physical Response known worldwide as TPR. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Anderson, N. J. (1999). Improving reading speed: Activities for the classroom. Forum, 37(2). Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Levine, A., Ferenz, O., & Reves, T. (2000). EFL academic reading and modern technology: How can we turn our students into independent critical readers? TESL-EJ, 4(4). Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Simich-Dudgeon, C. (1989, Summer). English literacy development: Approaches and strategies that work with limited English proficient children and adults. Occasional Papers in Bilingual Education, No. 12. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
- Singhal, M. (2001). Reading proficiency, reading strategies, metacognitive awareness and L2 readers. The Reading Matrix, 1(1). Retrieve April 6, 2004, from
- Solis, A. (1993). Helping bilingual students in content area reading. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Multicultural Resource Center. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from
- Why Reading is Hard video link: Adger, Carolyn Temple, Clair, Nancy, & Smith, David. (2001). Why Reading Is Hard: Videotape. McHenry, IL: Center for Applied Linguistics, Delta Systems. Retrieved April 2, 2004, from
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