USF St. Petersburg > College of Education > ESOL Infusion Program > ESOL TAPESTRY > Informed Consent Form
Social Sciences/Behavioral Adult Informed Consent Form for Faculty
Information for People Who Take Part in Research StudiesThe following information is being presented to help you decide whether or not you want to be a part of a minimal risk research study. Please read carefully. If you do not understand anything, ask the Person in Charge of the Study, Joyce Nutta, who can be contacted at or 727-553-4620.
Title of Study: Project ESOL TAPESTRY: The Effect of ESOL Training on Instructor Performance
Principal Investigator: Joyce Nutta
Study Location(s): USF College of EducationYou are being asked to participate because you will complete the tutorial modules developed by the University of South Florida.
General Information about the Research Study
- The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the faculty development program entitled ESOL TAPESTRY (Training for All Pre-Service Educators Stressing Technology-Based Resources), a federally-funded grant provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
Plan of Study
Benefits of Being a Part of this Research Study
- Your written reflections to the tutorial modules will be reviewed.
- All of these data collection methods will assess to what degree the faculty development you participated in facilitates infusion of ESOL issues into your instruction.
- You may choose to participate in any or all of the methods described above. If there are any forms of data that you do not consent to being used for research, please e-mail the Person in Charge, Dr. Joyce Nutta.
- There is no payment for participating.
Risks of Being a Part of this Research Study
- The direct benefits of your participation in this study will be interaction with the researchers/ESOL specialists, who can be of assistance in integrating ESOL topics into your courses.
- Your responses will help us develop better faculty development opportunities for you and your colleagues. Your insights and experiences will be useful to others who are beginning the process of infusing ESOL into their teacher preparation curricula.
Confidentiality of Your Records
- No significant risks are expected from your participation in this study. If you agree to participate in the questionnaire, you will be asked to reflect on if/how what you learned in the faculty development and whether it has been useful in integrating ESOL into your courses.
- If you agree to the reflection/responses review, a researcher will comb through your writings to look for themes.
Volunteering to Be Part of this Research Study
- Your privacy and research records will be kept confidential to the extent of the law. Authorized research personnel, employees of the Department of Health and Human Services and the USF Institutional Review Board may inspect the records from this research project.
- The results of this study may be published. However, the data obtained from you will be combined with data from other people in the publication. The published results will not include your name or any other information that would in any way personally identify you.
- Faculty who are involved in this research will compile these anonymous data, which will be kept in the ESOL TAPESTRY office (EDU 266).
Questions and Contacts
- Although the ESOL Faculty Development has been mandated by the State of Florida, participation in the evaluation study of the program is completely voluntary. You are free to participate in this research study or to withdraw at any time.
- If you choose not to participate, or if you withdraw, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits that you are entitled to receive nor will your job status be affected in any way.
Your Consent
- If you have any questions about this research study, contact Joyce Nutta at or 727-553-4620.
- If you have questions about your rights as a person who is taking part in a research study, you may contact a member of the Division of Research Compliance of the University of South Florida at 813-974-5638.
By selecting "Yes, I consent to participate in this study" from the drop-down menu an the question pages, I agree that:Investigator Statement
- I have fully read this informed consent form describing a research project.
- I have had the opportunity to question one of the persons in charge of this research and have received satisfactory answers.
- I understand that I am being asked to participate in research. I understand the risks and benefits, and I freely give my consent to participate in the research project outlined in this form, under the conditions indicated in it.
Institutional Approval of Study and Informed ConsentI have carefully explained to the subject the nature of the above protocol. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the subject signing this consent form understands the nature, demands, risks and benefits involved in participating in this study.
This research project/study and informed consent form were reviewed and approved by the University of South Florida Institutional Review Board for the protection of human subjects. The board may be contacted at (813) 974-5638.
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