FCAT Reading 
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Procedure Step 4 of 5

  • Read passage
  • The teacher allows time for the students to read the assigned passage.

  Purrs Sees Well Hunts
House Cat X    
Wild Cat   X X


Some people think that house cats (like Persians and Siamese) are the same as wild cats (like lions and tigers). The truth is, these cats are the same in many ways, yet they are different too.

One way both types of cats are the same is that they have very good eyesight. Wild cats and house cats can both see extremely well whether it's light or dark.

Both types of cats are hunters, too. They spend most of their time looking for food.

One way that house cats are different from wild cats is that house cats make a purring sound when they are happy. Purring sounds like a motor running inside the cat!


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4th Grade Reading Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida ©2013.