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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Doboy Sound to Fernandina, 1977
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Doboy Sound to Fernandina, 1977

Doboy Sound to Fernandina

Title: Doboy Sound to Fernandina
Projection: Mercator,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -81.5 E: -81 N: 31.5 S: 30.5

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Description: A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration map of northern Florida and southern Georgia from Doboy Sound to Fernandina, current to 1977. This National Ocean Survey chart shows all soundings expressed in feet. Navigational aids such as lights, beacons, buoys and measures of magnetic declination variances are shown as well as obstructions such as fixed bridges, submerged wrecks, and piles. Tidal information given for Doboy Sound, St. Simmons light, Brunswick East River, St. Andrews Sound, St. Marys entrance, and Fernandina Beach. Map is LORAN-C overprinted. North American 1927 Datum used. The map scale is 1:80,000. Key to NOAA maps.
Place Names: 1950-1999, Darien, Brunswick, Shellbine, Cabin Bluff, Greyfield, St. Marys, Fernandina Beach
ISO Topic Categories: transportation, oceans, inlandWaters, elevation
Keywords: Doboy Sound to Fernandina, physical, transportation, hydrological, physical features, roads, railroads, water routes, water depths, transportation, oceans, inlandWaters, elevation, Mercator, 1977
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey (Washington, DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1977)
Map Credit: Courtesy the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Doboy Sound to Fernandina, 1977
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