Washington Conference
On Holocaust-Era Assets
The Department of State and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum hosted the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets at the Department of State November 30 through December 3, 1998. More than 40 governments as well as numerous international non-governmental organizations with a stake in these issues were invited to send delegations to the conference, which built on the work of the December 1997 London Nazi Gold conference.
Proceedings of the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets
Note: To view the following PDF files, you must have Acrobat Reader from Adobe installed on your computer. An installer for Adobe Acrobat Reader is located in the "Acrobat" folder on this CD-ROM."
- Letter from the Editor and Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Opening Statements
- Chapter 2: Concluding Statements
- Chapter 3: Delegation Statements
- Chapter 4: Nazi-Confiscated Art Issues
- Chapter 5: Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims
- Chapter 6: Communal Property
- Chapter 7: Archives, Books, and the Role of Historical Commissions
- Chapter 8: Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research
- Appendices
Fact Sheets and Other Materials
- 05/20/99: Stuart Eizenstat (Briefing on Holocaust-Era Assets Conference and release of proceedings of the conference)
- 12/03/98: Judge Abner Mikva (Chairman's Concluding Statement)
- 12/03/98: Stuart E. Eizenstat (Concluding Statement)
- 12/03/98: Stuart E. Eizenstat (In Support of Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art)
- 12/02/98: Stuart E. Eizenstat ( The Need for Others to Join the International Commission on Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims)
- 12/02/98: Stuart E. Eizenstat (U.S. Support for the International Commission on Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims)
- 12/01/98: Secretary Albright (Opening ceremony address)
- 11/24/98: Stuart Eizenstat (Briefing on the conference)
- 12/03/98: Declarations of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research
- 12/03/98: Washington Conference Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art
- 10/26/98: Terms of Reference
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2005.