Proportion: Teacher Notes


Conceptual Understanding
Proportional Reasoning
Scale Factor
Procedural Knowledge
Solve Proportions

Problem Solving

Have one student model
a batting stance with a regulation size baseball bat. Have another
student model the batting stance with a souvenir miniature baseball
bat. Ask the class, "Why does the student with the souvenir bat
look so funny?"

Students work in individually
or in pairs

- 1 regulation-sized baseball
- 1 souvenir miniature baseball
- 1 piece of posterboard
for each student
- 1 metric measuring tape
for each student

- Measure the length of
the regular bat in centimeters.
- Measure the length of
the souvenir bat in centimeters.
- Measure the height of
the student holding the regular bat.
- Determine how tall a person
should be in order to be proportional to the souvenir bat.
- Using the posterboard,
draw a person the correct height.
- Have students show their
work and/or explain in words the process for determining the correct
height of the figure on the posterboard.

As a result of this activity,
students learn to use ratios and proportions to solve real world problems
involving models and drawings.

Rubric (4 points):
- Assignment is completed
on time.
- Figures height
measures within 0.5 cm of the correct height.
- Written explanation
shows good thinking and calculations are correct.
- Poster board figure
is neat and creative in design.