Student Worksheet
Name: ____________________________________
How big is a bubble?
Students work in pairs
- 4 kinds of liquid dishwasher
detergent such as Joy, Ivory, Dawn, Palmolive
- commercial bubble liquid
- water
- glycerin
- rulers
- straws
- pie tins
- Mix the bubble liquid using 1 part detergent to 6 to 10 parts water
for each liquid dishwasher detergent in separate pie tins. Have a
container for the commercial bubble liquid also
- Using a straw, blow gently into each soapy liquid
- Time the duration of the bubbles
- Also, using a ruler, measure the diameter and height of the largest
- Make a bar graph for each measurement.
- One bar graph for detergent names and duration of bubbles
- One bar graph for detergent names and diameters
- One bar graph for detergent names and heights
- Repeat the previous experiments, but this time add glycerin to the
- Using your graphs, explain if and how the glycerin made a difference
to the bubbles
- Explain how the homemade liquid compared to the commercial liquid
As a result of this activity,
students collect, graph and interpret data