Performance Task Objectives
- Identify and describe the
following: intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines
- Identify and describe angles
- Identify and describe characteristics
such as symmetry, congruence, and similarity in geometric figures
Sunshine State Standards
- Student recording sheet
- Pattern blocks
- Rulers
- Thin markers or colored
pencils (red, blue, green, brown, purple, yellow, black)
- Paper and pencil
Student arrangement
- Individual or small group
Present the problem on the student Recording Sheet to your students.
Performance Criteria
- Does the student correctly
identify and describe geometric shapes?
- Does the student correctly
identify and describe intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines?
- Does the student correctly
identify and describe angles?
- Does the student correctly
identify and describe symmetry, congruence, and similarity in geometric
1. Use pattern blocks to fill in the shape on the attached paper.
2. Using a pencil, trace each pattern block in your figure.
3. Complete the following chart to indicate the pattern blocks used.
of Polygon
of Pattern Block
Part II
On your figure from Part I, draw or trace the
A. A set of parallel lines in red
B. Intersecting lines in blue
C. Perpendicular lines in green
D. An acute angle in purple
E. An obtuse angle in yellow
F. A line of symmetry in black
Part III
Choose 2 different pattern blocks.
1. Identify and describe each using geometric terms.
2. Explain or make a chart in which you tell at least 3 likenesses and
3 differences in the geometric characteristics of these two polygons.
(Use geometric terms.)
