Comparing More Than, Less Than, Same: Concrete Level
More Teaching Plans on this topic: Representational, Abstract
Introduction |
Phase 1
Initial Acquisition of Skill
Phase 2
Practice Strategies
Math Skill/Concept: Comparing two groups (more than, less than, same) using concrete materials.
*rerequisite Skills:
- Sorting items into groups
- One to one correspondence
- Concepts of bigger and smaller
Although counting is not a necessary skill to be able to compare groups of objects, this teaching plan does contain several counting activities. If a student cannot count items up to 10, it is recommended that the teacher provide additional scaffolding during the counting activities.
Learning Objectives:
1) Identify if a given group of objects has more than, less than or the same number of objects when compared to another group
of objects
2) Identify if a given group of objects has more than, less than, or the same number of objects when compared to other groups
of objects.
3) Identify if a given group of objects has more than, less than, or the same number of objects when compared to another group
of objects using like objects.
4) Make a group with more than, less than, or the same number of objects than a given a group of objects.
Important Ideas for Implementation:
1) Use discrete materials that are movable.
2) Emphasize moving left to right when comparing groups.
3) Model estimating prior to actual comparing.
4) Initially cue students to differences in groups by using groups that are unlike in many attributes (size, shape, color), gradually fade these differences and have students compare groups with like attributes.
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