College of Education


Department Chair

A Message from the Department Chair

Welcome... to the Department of Childhood Education and Literacy Studies at the University of South Florida. Our department is uniquely configured to support the delivery of outstanding undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level programs in elementary, early childhood, and literacy education. As you will learn by viewing the information included on our website, our department is an ideal choice for those who are interested in high quality teacher preparation and professional development, partnerships with urban schools, and educational research in the areas of early childhood, elementary, and literacy studies. Our faculty members have established, relevant, and progressive research agendas. We have invested in residency-based and engaged approaches to teacher preparation that are impacting student learning as well as the national educational dialogue. We are proud to say that graduates from our programs become leaders in their schools, districts, and higher education!

Our department believes in working collaboratively with our school-based partners as we simultaneously improve and transform teaching and learning to enhance learning for early childhood and elementary children. Our mission is to develop exceptional teachers prepared to teach, inquire, lead, and serve in local and global communities. We are committed to doing this work through collaboration, academic excellence, research, and ethical practice.

I invite you to learn more about what Childhood Education and Literacy Studies has to offer you by visiting us in person in EDU 202. If you are interested in undergraduate study, you may also contact our Office of Pre-education at (813) 974-1804 for additional information or to arrange an advising session. If you are interested in graduate study, please contact the program coordinator directly.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the many options available for your future career in education at the University of South Florida.


Diane Yendol-Hoppey