Florida Caverns

Resource: Photo Gallery: Florida Caverns Resource: Florida Caverns State Park homepage
Students will learn about the formation of caverns, both in Florida and along the East Coast. Students will also be able to identify parts of a cave and their significance in our ecosystem. Students will research the Florida Caverns and create a videolog pretending to be settlers or Native Americans who needed to use the caverns. Students will describe the exterior and interior and why they chose the cave versus another safe area. Alternatively, students could research the Florida Caverns and their significance to Florida and present-day sinkholes. This information can be compiled in a number of ways - a PowerPoint presentation, a group paper where the students collaborate using Google Docs, an interactive web site, etc.
Standards this activity addresses:
- Grades 9-12 (1996 Standards)
- Strand D - Processes that Shape the Earth
- 1. The student recognizes that processes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, interact to shape the Earth. (SC.D.1.4) BM 3, 4
- 2. The student understands the need for protection of the natural systems on Earth. (SC.D.2.4) BM 1
- Strand G - How Living Things Interact With Their Environment
- 1. The student understands the competitive, interdependent, cyclic nature of living things in the environment. (SC.G.1.4) BM 3
- 2. The student understands the consequences of using limited natural resources. (SC.G.2.4) BM 2, 4
- Strand H - The Nature of Science
- 3. The student understands that science, technology and society are interwoven and interdependent. (SC.H.3.4) BM 3
- Grades 9-12 (2008 Standards)
- Body of Knowledge:
- Nature of Science
- Standard 1 - The Practice of Science SC.912.N.1.1 - N.1.7
- Standard 4 - Science and Society SC.912.N.4.1, N.4.2
- Life Science
- Standard 17 - Interdependence SC.912.L.17.17, L.17.20
- Reading/Language Arts
- Strand: Information and Media Literacy
- Standard 4: Technology LA.910.6.4.1, 6.4.2