Appendix A: Glossary
- Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
- A document that outlines the proper use of the Internet. In many cases, it is signed by students and parents.
- address book
- A feature of e-mail programs that allows the storage of names and addresses.
- attachment
- A file that is sent along with an e-mail message.
- bandwidth
- The amount of data able to move across a network. This is affected by both connection speed and the amount of other traffic on the network.
- bits per second (bps)
- The speed of transmission of a modem. Common rates are 28,800 and 56,000 bps.
- bookmarks
- A list of site locations that can be saved by browser software. This enables users to access favorite sites without retyping the URL.
- browser
- Software application that serves as an interface for the Web and displays HTML documents. Common examples include Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
- chat
- To communicate in real-time through the Internet. When you chat with someone, the typed words appear on a "shared" screen.
- compressed files
- Files which have been made smaller so that they can travel faster across a network. Programs, such as Winzip and Stuff-it, are able to compress and decompress the files after they are transferred.
- cookie
- A cookie is a small piece of information about your interactions with a site that the server can store on your machine for use the next time you visit the site.
- dial-up connection
- Connecting to an Internet service provider through a modem and telephone line.
- domain name
- The unique name of an Internet server. For example, www.whitehouse.gov.
- download
- Copying files from a remote computer to your computer.
- electronic mail (e-mail)
- Communications using the Internet to send messages and attached files.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Web page containing answers to commonly asked questions.
- frame
- One of multiple, independently controllable sections on a Web site. This effect is achieved by building each section as a separate HTML file and having one "master" HTML file identify all of the sections.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Protocol and soft-ware for transferring files on the Internet.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
- An image file format that is common on the Internet. It is commonly used for icons and animations.
- high speed access
- Connection to the Internet that uses newer technology to achieve higher speeds. Examples include cable modems, DSL lines, and ISDN.
- home page
- 1) The introductory page to a web site. 2) The default page you set for your browser.
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- The language used for creating pages on the World Wide Web.
- hypertext transfer protocol (http)
- A protocol used to transfer documents between a web server and your browser.
- Internet
- An international electronic network that connects an ever-growing number of networks.
- Internet2
- A project between the government and education institutions to create the next generation of the Interent.
- Internet service provider (ISP)
- Organizations that provide connections to the Internet.
- intranet
- Network, internal to an organization, that functions with browsers and other features similar to the Internet.
- Javascript
- A scripting language that enhances the functionality of Web pages.
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
- An image file format that is common on the Internet. Often used for photographs.
- keyword
- A term that you enter into a search engine when you are looking for something. For example, if you would like to find information about using e-mail properly, you could search for the keyword "netiquette."
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- A system of interconnected computers, usually located within one building.
- mailbox
- The place your e-mail messages are held.
- modem
- Computer peripheral that enables computers to transmit information over telephone lines. Usually built into computers.
- netiquette
- Quite simply, "netiquette" is Internet etiquette. The informal rules of behavior for the Internet. These Internet customs have evolved over time, and help make the Internet a pleasant place.
- online
- The time that a user is actually logged onto the Interent.
- plug-in
- A software component required by an Internet browser to expand its abilities. For example, QuickTime is a plug-in that enables the browser to display Virtual Reality movies.
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
- A file type gaining popularity on the Internet due to its ability to maintain document formatting.
- proxy server
- A filter for the Internet that can be used to prevent access to Web sites containing questionable material. It connects to the Internet on your behalf, fetches pages for you, stores them locally, and delivers them to your desktop when requested to do so.
- search engine
- Programs and utilities that will search the Internet for relevant sites. Examples include AltaVista, HotBot, and iWon.
- top level domains (TLD)
- Information contained at the end of a web address indicating its nature:
.com = commercial
.edu = education
.gov = government
.int = international organization
.mil = military
.net = network
.org = organization- Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- Specifies the server and path information for documents on the World Wide Web. The URL for this brochure is: https://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/language/default.htm
- upload
- Copying a file from your computer to a remote computer.
- virus
- A software program that is written with the intent of doing harm to your computer.
- Web page
- A single document on the Internet.
- Web site
- A collection of Web pages grouped around a particular message or topic. All of the linked pages produced by one school would be considered a Web site.
- WebTV
- A product offering the ability to connect to the Internet using a television.
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- A part of the Internet that contains documents with hyperlinks to other documents and multimedia components.
|| Contents || Introduction || Internet Basics || Becoming Good Netizens || Productivity Tools ||
|| Communication Tools || Research Tools || Problem-Solving Tools || Appendices ||
Florida Center for Instructional Technology
College of Education,
University of South Florida,
4202 E. Fowler Ave., EDU 147
Tampa, Florida 33620
© Florida Center for Instructional Technology, 1995-2013Last updated 2009