Scoring Short Responses

Now that you have selected details for the short response question, read the sample responses below.

How are killer bees different from other honey bees? Support your answer with details and information from the article.

Score of 2- This response shows a complete understanding of the task. It is accurate and includes sufficient support from the article.

Killer bees swarm in larger numbers than typical honeybees. Killer bees release a pheromone odor that stimulates the rest of the colony. Swarms of killer bees are 20 times more likely to sting than regular honeybees. They are very aggressive and would leave eight times as many stingers in a victim in the first 30 seconds.

Score of 1- This response shows a partial understanding of the task. It needs more details from the article.

Killer bees are known to swarm in larger numbers than typical honeybees. They release a pheromone odor that stimulates the rest of the colony. The odor comes from the stinger itself, which dislodges from the insect’s abdomen upon stinging.

Score of 0- This is a confused response. It is not clear whether the student understood the question.

Killer bees killed Lino Lopez in Texas. Killer bees killed dogs in Arizona. Killer bees were found also in New Mexico and California.

This section contains a short response question along with student responses for you to score.

Read each student response carefully, and then decide whether it should receive a 2, 1, or 0.

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