
Text Lookbacks

Text Lookbacks – This strategy effectively teaches students to reinspect a text they have read in order to answer comprehension questions. A major focus of the FCAT is retrieving information and details from a selected passage. This three-day procedure will better prepare students to do this.

  1. Day 1 – The teacher provides explicit instruction focusing on the question: “Why should I look back?” Answer: “To find information and details I can’t remember about the passage.”
  2. Day 2 – The teacher provides explicit instruction focusing on: “When should I look back?” Answer: “When I can’t remember what the author said, or when the question asks what I think.”
  3. Day 3 – The teacher focuses instruction on: “Where should I look?” Answer: Students should practice skimming and other strategies for finding answers to specific questions.


Reis, R., & Leone.P. "Teaching text lookbacks to mildly handicapped students." Journal of Reading,1985: 28, pp.416-420.

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