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Sweet Potatoes
Florida Fruits and Vegetables in the Commercial Menu1931
Many varieties of sweet potatoes flourish in Florida soils. Usually the moist, sweeter potato goes on the local market, while the dry mealy article goes to the Northerner who likes it better. The sweet variety of sweet potato has from 6 to 8 per cent sugar and a higher calorie value than the white potato. The sugar increases while the starch decreases during storage. There is very little cellulose.
Sweet potatoes show a vitamin content in A and C and are cheaper in money value than most sources of vitamin C. In digestion they yeild an alkaline effect and are therefore a suitable combination with meat and eggs and other acid producing foods. Sweet potato has a lightly lower percentage of protein than the white potato and about the same mineral value.
The "Porto Rico," rich in color, moist in texture, sweet in flavor, and the Nancy Hall, with a creamy pink yellow flesh, are two of the more popular varieties among Southern people. The Triumph and Big Stem Jersey, dry and mealy in texture, are more popular among Northern people who are more accustomed to the white potato and who like the drier type. Various yam varieties are splendid for home use but are rather tender and easily bruised in handling.
Canning factories are now taking care of the surplus and of potatoes too small for shipping. In this way many localities throughout the country are being supplied for the first time with sweet potatoes.
Methods of Prepartion
Baking is the best method. A well matured sweet potato baked in the skin needs no sweetening, nor additions. It supplies sufficient sugar for a meal and is within itself a dessert. The sweet potato combines nicely with meat, cheese, egg, milk and nuts and forms the basis both many main dishes and for desserts.
Sweet Potato Recipes
Sweet potato develops the best flavor when baked. Wash well, grease with butter or bacon and bake in covered pan inside oven. The skin, when, brown, cracks and allows steam to escape. Split through center or break into halves crosswise and butter. Serve hot. A good sweet potato needs no extra "trimmings." Even the peeling is palatable.
Baked on Half Shell.
Bake potato as above. Cut lengthwise, remove contents, mash, season with salt, butter and possibly a little sugar. Add one cup potato ½ cup crushed, parched peanuts and one egg. Beat well and place in potato shells. Sprinkle the tops with peanut crumbs. Brown and serve hot.
Smothered Ham With Sweet Potatoes.
1 slice of smoked ham, cut into 1 tablespoon butter or ham sizes for serving, drippings, 3 cups raw, sliced, sweet potatoes, 1 cup hot water. Brown the ham lightly on both sides and arrange it to cover the bottom of a baking dish. Spread the sliced sweet potatoes over the ham. Sprinkle with sugar. Add the hot water and extra fat. Cover the dish and bake slowly until the ham is tender. Baste the potatoes occasionally with the gravy. Brown the top well.
Sweet Potato and Peanut Croquettes.
(Serves 10 or 12.)
2 cups mashed sweet potato, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cups finely ground parched Cayenne pepper, peanuts or pecans, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 eggs, Bread crumbs. Combine the ingredients, and shape the mixture Into croquettes. Roll them in bread crumbs, beaten eggs, and crumbs again. Fry them in deep fat.
Sweet Potato Soufflé.
(Servings, 12.)
2 cups cooked mashed potatoes, 4 eggs, 1 cup hot milk, 2 teaspoons nutmeg, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 cup raisins, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon salt, Marshmallows. 4 tablespoons butter, Press leftover boiled or baked sweet potatoes through a ricer or mash well. Scald the milk and add salt, sugar, and butter. When the butter has melted and the salt and sugar are dissolved, add to the potatoes and mix and beat until light and fluffy. Separate the eggs, beat yolks, and add to the potato along with the nutmeg, raisins, and nuts. Beat the whites of eggs stiff, cut and fold into potato mixture, and pour at once into a buttered baking dish. Arrange marshmallows on top about ½ inch apart. Put into a moderate oven and bake until the soufflé is set and the marshmallows are delicately toasted. Serve at once from baking dish.
Sweet Potato Soufflé in Orange Cups.
Make soufflé as in above recipe. Cut oranges one inch slice from top. Remove pulp. Fill orange cup with potato soufflé. Omit marshmallow. Place cups inside oven to bake until set. Remove from oven, sprinkle with freshly grated cocoanut and serve immediately.
Excerpt from Stennis, M.A., "VII-Sweet Potatoes" Florida Fruits and Vegetables in the Commercial Menu, State of Florida Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, September, 1931, pgs 37-41.Keywords: cooking, potatoes, recipe, recipes, souffle, souffles, soufflé, soufflés, sweet potato, sweet potatoes, root, roots, root vegetable, root vegetables
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