Lichen on a Water Oak

- Description: Lichen growing on the base of a water oak. Lichens are actually two organisms, algae and fungus that have a symbiotic relationship. A symbiotic relationship is one in which two organisms live dependent on each other. Specifically, this type of symbiotic relationship is called mutualism because both organisms benefit. The fungus supplies the pair with structure and support, and the algae provides nutrients. The algae uses photosynthesis for food and the fungus collects the water needed. The type of lichen featured here is foliose lichen, which is flaky.
- Keywords: lichen, fungus, tree, water oak
- TIFF File: A high resolution TIFF of Lichen on a Water Oak (57.7 Mb) is available for download. This is a very large file suitable for printing. For most on-screen purposes, you should use the image displayed on this page instead of this TIFF.
- Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Exploring Florida: Social Studies Resources
for Students and Teachers (Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, 2009)
- Date of Photo: 4/1/2007
- Photographer: Roy Winkelman