St. Bernard

- Description: Stained glass window featuring St. Bernard. St. Bernard was a French abbot, or head of a monastery, born in the year 1090 in Fontaines, France. After his mother died, he joined the Cistercian order where he would become infamous for his work in the church. Throughout his life he became known as the Òdoctor of the churchÓ and the Òhoney-sweet doctorÓ because of his ability to handle division within the church and problems such as heresy with immeasurable eloquence. He was even called upon to help inspire the second crusades, after which many men enlisted to fight. He is also credited with the vast growth of the Cictercian order. He founded 163 monasteries throughout Europe, which grew to 343 after his death. In the year 1174, St. Bernard was declared a saint.
- Keywords: St. Bernard, stained glass window, window, chapel, Ancient Spanish Monastery, St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, monastery, cloister
- TIFF File: A high resolution TIFF of St. Bernard (28.9 Mb) is available for download. This is a very large file suitable for printing. For most on-screen purposes, you should use the image displayed on this page instead of this TIFF.
- Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Exploring Florida: Social Studies Resources
for Students and Teachers (Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, 2009)
- County: Miami-Dade
- Location:
- Date of Photo: 7/31/2007
- Photographer: Roy Winkelman