Entrance to the Cloisters

- Description: View of the formal gardens and entrance into the cloisters. The Monastery was built in Sacramenia, in the Province of Segovia, Spain, during 1133-1141. Cisterian monks occupied the monastery for 700 years until it was sold and abandoned. William Randolph Hearst, the wealthy owner of several newspapers in the U.S., later bought the monastery in 1925 and had it dismantled and brought to America.
- Keywords: entrance, St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, Ancient Spanish Monastery, cloister, monastery, tree, garden, plant
- TIFF File: A high resolution TIFF of Entrance to the Cloisters (28.9 Mb) is available for download. This is a very large file suitable for printing. For most on-screen purposes, you should use the image displayed on this page instead of this TIFF.
- Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Exploring Florida: Social Studies Resources
for Students and Teachers (Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, 2009)
- County: Miami-Dade
- Location:
- Date of Photo: 7/31/2007
- Photographer: Roy Winkelman