The Bahia Honda Bridge and US Highway 1 Crossing Over the Bahia Honda Channel

- Description: The old Bahia Honda Bridge was original built as part of Henry Flaglers Overseas Railroad and spanned 5,055 feet across the Bahia Honda Channel. It had to cross water thirty feet deep on steel spans on concrete piers. The 1935 hurricane destroyed sections of the bridge. US highway 1 can be seen to the right.
- Keywords: florida, keys, monroe county, bahia honda state park, recreation, beach, ocean, sea, waves, bridge, flagler, railroad,1935, hurricane, overseas, highway, steel spans, tressles, pier, damaged bridge, concrete
- TIFF File: A high resolution TIFF of The Bahia Honda Bridge and US Highway 1 Crossing Over the Bahia Honda Channel (57.5 Mb) is available for download. This is a very large file suitable for printing. For most on-screen purposes, you should use the image displayed on this page instead of this TIFF.
- Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Exploring Florida: Social Studies Resources
for Students and Teachers (Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, 2009)
- County: Monroe County
- Location:
Latitude 24.654869999999998953
Longitude -81.281679999999994379
- Date of Photo: 6/25/2008
- Photographer: Michael Sweeney