Description: This detail of a 1873 map of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina shows an in color portrait of county lines of the period, Florida railroad routes, forts, and outlines major waterways for Escambia County. The major features of the detail are Escambia River, Pensacola, an the Barrontas. Place Names: Escambia, Escambia, Escambia River, Esambia Bay, Pensacola, Barrontas, Warrington, Pensacola Bay, Fort Pickens, Fort McRae, Perdido Bay, ISO Topic Categories: boundaries, inlandWaters, oceans, transportation Keywords: Escambia County, physical, political, transportation, physical features, major political subdivisions, county borders, railroads, boundaries, inlandWaters, oceans, transportation, Unknown,1873 Source: Simon J. Martenet, New topographical atlas of the State of Ohio (, : Stedman, Brown & Lyon/H.H. Lloyd and Co., 1873) 89 Map Credit: Courtesy of the private collection of Roy Winkelman |