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 FL Maps > State > 1900-1919 > South Florida, 1917
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South Florida, 1917

Title: South Florida
Projection: Unknown
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -85.5 E: -80 N: 27.75 S: 24

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Description: This is a 1917 map of the Southern portion of FL, with an inset of the panhandle available in the lower left corner. It gives detail about transportation routes including canals, railroads, and roads. County boundaries and County seats current to the year 1917.
Source: C.O. Sylvester Mawson, Geographic Manual and New Atlas (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1917) 168 - 169
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.
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 FL Maps > State > 1900-1919 > South Florida, 1917
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