Description: This is a black and white railroad map of Escambia county, 2009. It also shows location of cities and towns including Pensacola and Century. Place Names: Escambia, Century, Bluff Springs, Bratt, Oak Grove, Walnut Hill, McDavid, Bogia, Pine Barren, Molino, McKinnon, Barrineau Park, Cottage Hill, Quintette, Cantonment, Gonzalez, Riverview, Ferry Pass, Ensley, Brent, Bellview, Pensacola, Goulding, West Pensacola, Myrtle Grove, Warrington, Paradise Beach ISO Topic Categories: boundaries, transportation Keywords: Escambia County Railway Network- Black and White, physical, transportation, political, county borders, railroads, boundaries, transportation, Albers_Conical_Equal,2009 Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Exploring Florida: Social Studies Resources for Students and Teachers (Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, 2009) Map Credit: Courtesy of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Author: Samer Slaiby |