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 FL Maps > Region > 2000- > Manatee River Watershed Distribution of 1995 Land Use/Cover- Map 2, December 5, 2000
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Manatee River Watershed Distribution of 1995 Land Use/Cover- Map 2, December 5, 2000

Title: Manatee River Watershed Distribution of 1995 Land Use/Cover- Map 2
Projection: Unknown
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: E: N: S:

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Description: This is a map from the Southwest Florida Watershed Management District or SWFWMD of the Manatee River watershed distribution of 1995 land use/cover created on December 5, 2000. This map shows the Watershed Management boundary shown by the thick black line. Land use/cover classifications shown are urban and built-up (red), mining (pink), agriculture (yellow), rangeland (orange), upland forest (green), water (blue), wetlands (light green), barren land (tan), and transportation, communication and utilities (dark gray). It also shows areas where no data is available (light gray). It also shows major roads and county boundaries. "Land use and cover data were interpreted from 1:40,000 scale color infrared aerial photographs taken between October of 1994 and May of 1995. If shown, land use and cover data are classified utilizing the Florida Department of Transportation Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification (FLUCCS) System, 2nd edition." —Southwest Florida Watershed Management District
Source: Southwest Florida Water Management District, Manatee River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan Atlas (Brooksville, FL: Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000)
Map Credit: Courtesy of the Southwest Florida Water Management District
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 FL Maps > Region > 2000- > Manatee River Watershed Distribution of 1995 Land Use/Cover- Map 2, December 5, 2000
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