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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Tampa, Florida, 1950
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Tampa, Florida, 1950

Puzzle Directions: Click on a puzzle piece and drag it where you want it. When you connect two pieces correctly, they will join together. This is an extra hard double-sided puzzle. The same map is printed on both sides the pieces. Some of the pieces are turned over to the wrong side. To flip a piece over, hold down the "T" key and click on the puzzle piece. Mix up the pieces again. View finished map in pop-up window.

Title: Tampa, Florida
Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Conic,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -83.5 E: -81.5 N: 28.5 S: 26

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Description: A map of the Tampa Bay area used by pilots to navigate between airports circa 1950. Navigation aids include lines of equal variation in magnetic declination, and radio towers as well as visual aids such as transmission lines, railroads, major roads, and major aerodromes and their elevation above mean sea level. Elevations are in feet with contour intervals at 1,000 feet. The map scale is 1:250,000. Key to NOAA maps.
Source: , USAF Target Complex Chart (Washington, DC: Aeronautical Chart Service, 1950)
Map Credit: Courtesy the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Tampa, Florida, 1950