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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Cretaceous Sections and Structural Map, 1951
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Cretaceous Sections and Structural Map, 1951

Puzzle Directions: Click on a puzzle piece and drag it where you want it. When you connect two pieces correctly, they will join together. This is an extra hard double-sided puzzle. The same map is printed on both sides the pieces. Some of the pieces are turned over to the wrong side. To flip a piece over, hold down the "T" key and click on the puzzle piece. Mix up the pieces again. View finished map in pop-up window.

Title: Cretaceous Sections and Structural Map
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: E: N: S:

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Description: This map from the Florida Geological Survey Bulletin number 33, shows the depth and profile of sediments from the Cretaceous System taken from well cores. Constituents of well core makeup are shown, along with well ownership, depth of wells shown in feet below sea level, and contours representing Cretaceous structures.
Source: Robert O. Vernon, Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida (Tallahassee, FL: The Florida Geological Survey, 1951) 76
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 FL Maps > Region > 1950-1999 > Cretaceous Sections and Structural Map, 1951