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Identifying Place Value to 100s Place: Representational Level

More Teaching Plans on this topic: Concrete, Abstract


Phase 1

Initial Acquisition of Skill

Phase 2

Practice Strategies

Phase 3


Phase 4


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Name of Math Skill/Concept: Identifying Place Value in 3 digit numbers by drawing pictures that represent concrete materials.

Understanding of place value mat.
Ability to represent groups of ones, tens, and hundreds on place value mat using concrete materials.
Ability to represent one, two, and three digit numbers using concrete materials and place value mats.

1.) Draw pictures on place value mats to represent the place value of one, two, and three digit numbers.


1.) Students with learning problems will greatly benefit from drawing experiences because it provides them a meaningful transition from their concrete experiences. There is a tendency to move some students, particularly students with learning problems, too quickly to the abstract level. Drawing experiences help students translate the actions of manipulating concrete materials with pencil and paper, thereby providing a natural link to later paper and pencil activities at the abstract level.

2.) Use of the place value mat with pictures provides important cueing for students. Continue to explicitly use the cues (e.g. pictures & place value words) provided on the place value mat and prompt students to describe what they represent.