Rounding to Nearest 10 or 100: Concrete Level
More Teaching Plans on this topic: Representational, Abstract
Introduction |
Phase 1
Initial Acquisition of Skill
Phase 2
Practice Strategies
Math Skill/Concept: Rounding to the nearest ten and/or hundred using concrete materials.
Prerequisite Skills
- “Counting on” and “counting back”
- Counting by ones; “skip counting” by tens
- Familiarity with discrete concrete objects and base ten concrete materials
Learning Objectives
1) Round to the nearest ten using discrete (non-linked) counting objects.
2) Round to the nearest hundred using “linked” proportional concrete materials.
3) Round to the nearest ten using discrete (non-linked) counting objects and a number line.
4) Round to the nearest hundred using base ten materials and a number line.
5) Round to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred with values that represent 100-999 using base-ten materials and a number line.
Important Ideas for Implementation
1) At the concrete level, it is helpful to first explicitly teach and then provide practice opportunities for rounding sets of concrete objects to the nearest ten or hundred without reference to numerals or number lines.
2) Students should first demonstrate mastery of rounding sets of concrete objects without reference to numerals. Next, students should be taught to round by drawing pictures (See Instructional Objectives1 & 2 under Explicit Teacher Modeling in Representational Plan). Then they should be taught how to round using concrete materials and number lines. After these experiences, students are ready to round by drawing with number lines. (See Instructional Objective 3 under Explicit Teacher Modeling in the Representational Level Instructional Plan.). When students have demonstrated understanding of this process, then teaching them to associate their concrete and drawing experiences to numerals is a productive “next step.”
3) Students with learning difficulties need explicit instruction and practice rounding to the nearest ten before rounding to the nearest hundred.
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