Math Skill/Concept: Skip count by tens using drawings.
Prerequisite Skills:
One to one correspondence
Counting by ones up to one hundred
Understanding of one, ten, hundred
Grouping by tens
Experience skip counting using concrete objects
Learning Objectives:
1) Skip count by tens using a number line.
Important Ideas for Implementation:
1) Only teach students to skip count using a number line after students have demonostrated mastery of performing these skills using concrete objects (See the Concrete Level Instructional Plan).
2) Explicitly link concrete objects to drawings.
3) Cue changes in patterns with color.
4) Model writing corresponding numeral
5) Emphasize using appropriate place value language (e.g. two tens, four ones).
6) This teaching plan outlines the steps to use when teaching students how to skip count by tens. The same sequence of steps as outlined in this plan should be followed for teaching skip counting by twos or fives.