Florida Humanities Council

The WW II Diary of Andrew Hines: Page 09

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Quartered in chapel in graveyard of Lutheran Church – no lights, cold – ate can of frozen salmon for supper. Was sick this night. A pretty miserable night spent by all. 17 km made today.
29 Jan 45
Packed this morning before daylight-a long wait to get started – some of the men bought sleds (improvised) from the townspeople for a couple of packs of cigarettes. We started at the head of the column, directly behind the Gen. and the Colonels. A Hauptman d. LW. was with us. Very cold with wind driving snow cross wind and head wind. On the march we make 5 min. halts
every 20 or 30 min. with a 15 min halt around noon for dinner. The column is very long – 3 and 4 to 5 men abrest (sic), pulling sleds – 1800 men – column close to a mile long or better. Some of the men have diarreah (sic), and other ailments. Today we made 17 km, and halted for night in a farm at SELINGSHRUE on the estate of a Baron who was captured in N. Africa. We slept in the straw and were fairly comfortable and warm.