Florida Humanities Council

The WW II Diary of Andrew Hines: Page 10

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30 Jan 45
Rested today at the barn. Made some hot choclate (sic) and bullion for first hot drink – except maybe little given by Foreign workers since leaving Sagan. All food supplies are pretty low. We had to leave much food at Sagan because of no way to carry it. The Germans seem to have made no preparations for handling this large a body of men and their organization is poor. Energy today is profiting by this rest, as the next stage
of the trek is due to be pretty long. Weather continues cold but somewhat clearer. So far the Germans have provided no food at all for this march.
31 Jan 45
Today we marched 28 kilometer from Selingshrue to MUSKAU. The weather was still cold. We pulled our loads on sleds and told jokes- stories and sang songs to keep our morale up. There is a slight thaw followed by a freeze which renders the surface