Estimated Water Use

Resource: Estimated Water Use in Florida, 1975
Students will use the map of Florida's estimated water usage from 1965 to compare levels of usage to the present day. Students will make a podcast (using Garage Band) to provide different viewpoints on the data (should Floridians be forced to conserve more water, is turning off the water while brushing teeth enough?, is it okay to pump water from the North to the South?, should we institute xeriscaping?, will it cost too much money to implement the procedures?)
Standards this activity addresses:
- Grades 9-12 (1996 Standards):
- Strand D - Processes that Shape the Earth
- 1. The student recognizes that processes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, interact to shape the Earth. (SC.D.1.4) BM 4
- 2. The student understands the need for protection of the natural systems on Earth. (SC.D.2.4) BM 1
- Strand G - How Living Things Interact With Their Environment
- 1. The student understands the competitive, interdependent, cyclic nature of living things in the environment. (SC.G.1.4) BM 1
- 2. The student understands the consequences of using limited natural resources. (SC.G.2.4) BM 2,4,5,6
- Strand H - The Nature of Science
- 1. The student uses the scientific processes and habits of mind to solve problems. (SC.H.1.4) BM 1, 4, 5, 7
- 3. The student understands that science, technology and society are interwoven and interdependent. (SC.H.3.4) BM 2,3,5,6
- Grades 9-12 (2008 Standards):
- Reading/Language Arts
- Strand: Information and Media Literacy
- Standard 4: Technology LA.910.6.4.1 and 6.4.2
- Nature of Science
- Standard 1 - The Practice of Science SC.912.N.1.1 - N.1.7
- Standard 2 - The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge SC.912.N.2.5
- Standard 3 - The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models SC.912.N.3.1 - N.3.5
- Standard 4 - Science and Society SC.912.N.4.1, N.4.2
- Earth and Space Science
- Standard 6 - Earth Structures SC.912.E.6.2, E.6.4
- Standard 7 - Earth Systems and Patterns SC.912.E.7.3, E.7.8
- Life Science
- Standard 17 - Interdependence SC.912.L.17.5, L.17.7, L.17.8, L.17.12 - L.17.15, L.17.17 - L.17.20