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 FL Maps > Local > Palm Beach > Palm Beach Gardens, 1983
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Palm Beach Gardens, 1983

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Title: Palm Beach Gardens
Projection: Polyconic,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: E: N: S:

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Description: A portion of the US Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service Riviera Beach Quadrangle map of south Florida from West Palm Beach to Juno Beach, current to 1983 showing Palm Beach Gardens. This topographic-bathymetric map shows elevations and depths in meters. Contour interval 5 meters. Bathymetric contour interval 1 meters. Map also includes roads, waterways, housing developments, parks, golf course and wetlands. Map divided into townships and ranges. North American 1927 Datum used. The map scale is 1:24,000. NOAA Map Reference: 26080_G1_TB_024-00-1983. Key to NOAA maps. PLEASE NOTE: This historical data is not to be used for navigation or navigation planning. The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) does not assume responsibility for the improper use of these data.
Source: US Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service, Riviera Beach Quadrangle (Reston, VA: US Geological Survey, 1983)
Map Credit: Courtesy the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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 FL Maps > Local > Palm Beach > Palm Beach Gardens, 1983