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Orange EPA Superfund Sites, 2008

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Title: Orange EPA Superfund Sites
Projection: Albers_Conical_Equal
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: E: N: S:

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Description: This map shows the locations of Orange County�s three Superfund Sites listed on the United States Environmental Protection Agency�s National Priorities List (NPL). The map was created based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shapefiles and metadata. Full information about each site, including each site history, narrative, and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) information can be found on the U.S. EPA website. The site name, latitude/longitude, and NPL status for the Orange sites are:
24 Zellwood Ground Water Contamination
803 Jones Ave.
Zellwood, FL 32757
NPL: On final NPL
Latitude: 28.73195
Longitude: -81.613331
25 City Industries, Inc.
3920 Forsyth Rd.
Orlando, FL 32807
NPL: On final NPL
Latitude: 28.601389
Longitude: -81.3
26 Chevron Chemical Co. (Ortho Division)
3100 Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, FL 32804
NPL: On final NPL
Latitude: 28.578889
Longitude: -81.408889

Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology, (Tampa, FL: FCIT, 2008)
Map Credit: Courtesy Roy Winkelman
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 FL Maps > County > Orange > Orange EPA Superfund Sites, 2008