ALL: Results 1 to 25 from a total of 790.
Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Love’s Garden”
by Ellen Robena Field

A poem about love that uses religious and nature themes.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “A Fall Song”
by Ellen Robena Field

A poem describing “The Fall of the Year” or Autumn.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “A Child of Spring”
by Ellen Robena Field

A poem about springtime.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Buttercup Gold”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story explaining where buttercup flowers come from.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Rock-A-By Baby”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about the growth of a tree and its blooms of spring.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Baby Caterpillar”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about a caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Five Little Indian Brothers”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about five kernels of corn growing in the Farmer Lane. The author uses this as a religious metaphor.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “The Lily Sisters”
by Ellen Robena Field

The short story of Easter and three young lillies.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Mother Nature’s House Cleaning”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about the rain and the first few days of March/Spring.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “The Robin”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about a robin who flies north in the springtime, builds a nest for his mate, and migrates south for the winter.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “How the Raindrops and Sunbeams Helped”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about the first days of spring.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Nature’s Violet Children”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about violets who were picked from their home in the forest and brought to little girl’s house. With the help of sunlight and a caged canary, the violets thought positively and blossomed.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “The Raindrops”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about raindrops who fall from the sky and form pools of water that get bigger and flow into the oceans. There, they help form a rainbow showing that even the smallest of things can help to make something beautiful.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “Glories”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story about noticing the beauty around you. Laura and baby Donald never noticed the beautiful glories growing in their backyard until Laura heard them speak to her. She and Donald played with them all afternoon. Laura learned the lesson well.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “The Babies’ Blankets”
by Ellen Robena Field

A short story where Mother Nature writes a letter to Father Winter to send her a blanket (of snow) to protect the flowers from Jack Frost’s cold winds.

Book: Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Item: “The Little New Year”
by Ellen Robena Field

Maurice is visited by the little New Year and his cart of gifts. He shows Maurice the wonders of giving to others and the happiness that it brings.

Book: Aesop's Fables
Item: “The Four Oxen and the Lion”
by Aesop

The importance of working together, even through disagreements.

Book: Nursery Rhymes and Traditional Poems
Item: Whirly-Whicker-Whaker
by Traditional

A rhyme about a farmer who chases a hog out of his fodder field.

Book: More Jataka Tales
Item: “The Penny-Wise Monkey”
by Ellen C. Babbitt

A king sees a monkey lose many peas in order to gain one more, and realizes he should not start a war with a remote, small country.

Book: Black Beauty
Item: Part 4, Chapter 49: My Last Home
by Anna Sewell

After a long and fruitful life, Black Beauty meets his final masters, and proceeds to spend the rest of his days in comfort.

Book: More Jataka Tales
Item: “The Three Fishes”
by Ellen C. Babbitt

The thoughtful fish saves his two less-thoughtful brothers, and they all return to a safer river.

Book: More Jataka Tales
Item: “The Woodpecker and the Lion”
by Ellen C. Babbitt

A woodpecker does a favor for a lion, who does not thank him. Later, the lion refuses to do a favor for the woodpecker, saying he already did him a favor by not eating him.

Book: More Jataka Tales
Item: “The Cunning Wolf”
by Ellen C. Babbitt

A man tries to fool animals in order to get food for supper, but the King of Wolves sees through his trick.

Book: More Jataka Tales
Item: “The Otters and the Wolf”
by Ellen C. Babbitt

A wolf finds a clever way to get fish for supper.

Book: Lyrics of the Hearthside
Item: The Conquerors (The Black Troops in Cuba)
by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Round the wide earth, from the red field your valour has won,