Although the University of South Florida’s philosophy of “accent on learning” focused faculty attention on quality teaching, faculty members recognized the importance of research and scholarly activities and professional service. Tenure and promotion were based on the quality of faculty members’ teaching, research, and service. However, due to the rapidly increasing number of students and limited budgets, research and service were not a part of the faculty’s 12 hour assignments. With the availability of federal, state and foundation grants, the College’s faculty members have supported their research and service to the communities by winning a large number of competitive grants, which allowed faculty to buy time from teaching to conduct research. Teaching was a 12 hour assignment and research and service were expected, but not assigned.
An impressive number of faculty members from the College of Education have gone on to become assistant and associate deans, provosts, vice presidents of academic affairs, and presidents at USF and at many other universities.
Local, state, national, and international honors have been awarded to College of Education faculty members for their teaching, research, and professional activities. Those presented in the description pertaining to faculty honors are only a sample of the many awards that have been bestowed upon the USF College of Education faculty.