Overview Decide Design Deliver Evaluate

A. Assign Student Checklists
B. Revise Evaluation Options
C. Reflect on Lesson and Revise as Necessary



  1. Outline elements on a student checklist.
  2. Create rubrics for evaluation.
  3. Identify appropriate reflective elements.

Introduction and Purpose

Reflection and evaluation are important throughout the planning, design, and development of a multimedia activity. Your students should have a checklist to follow when they create a multimedia product, and you should be providing formative evaluation of your students' activities throughout the process. At the end of an activity, summative evaluation takes place. It is also important for you and the students to take the time to reflect on the activity -- students should note what they learned, and teachers should note aspects of the lesson that may require revisions for the future.

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This course was developed in partnership between the Pinellas School
and the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at USF.
Overview Design Decide Deliver Evaluate