Overview Decide Design Deliver Evaluate

A. Review Media Development Skills
B. Focus on Classroom Management and Configuration
C. Facilitate a Multimedia Activities



  1. Review media development skills, such as scanning, audio production, and graphics.
  2. Outline variations in classroom management and configuration.
  3. Describe a teacher's role as facilitator of multimedia activities.
  4. List techniques for facilitating multimedia activities.


Introduction and Purpose

The Development phase encompasses the actual execution of the multimedia activity by the students. During this phase, the teacher's role consists of being an instructor, facilitator, and trouble-shooter. If the students do not have the pre-requisite knowledge or skills related to the activity, the teacher may have to review/teach some aspects of content or media production. Classroom management issues are important to ensure the timely, successful, and effective completion of the activity.

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This course was developed in partnership between the Pinellas School
and the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at USF.
Overview Design Decide Deliver Evaluate